Dennis Stahr, Master
Master Stahr with his Wife
Wor. JR Knight, SW and his Wife
Ryan Bacaoco, JW and his Wife
Wor. Dimiter Lyakov, PM,
Secretary with his wife
Wor. Ronald Detzer, PM,
Chaplain with his wife
Wor. Jim Achenbach, PM, Treasurer with his Wife
Bro. Robert Salini, Senior Deacon and his Lady
Bro. Steven "Tex" Perry,
Senior Steward
The Stewards receive their rods
Bro. Robert Scheeler, Marshal
Bro. John Fitch, Junior
with his wife
Wor. Robert Smith, PM, Tiler, Officer's Coach with his Wife
Installing Officers:
Wor. David Haslim, PM, District Inspector
Master of Ceremonies: Wor. Michael Allen, PM
Installing Chaplain: Wor. Howard "Tony" McGill, PM,
Past Masters. Worshipfuls all.