Brothers Anthony Knight, Richard "Rick" Derflinger and Scottie McLain were obligated by Brother Ryan Bacaoco, Junior Warden.  Worshipful Clinton Black, PM, delivered a perfect "from the heart" lecture and Brother John Fitch, Junior Deacon, delivered the charge.

Our new Entered Apprentices from left to right:  Brother Rick Derflinger,
Brother Scottie McLain and Brother Anthony Knight. 
Brother Ryan Bacaoco, Junior warden, was in the East for all three initiations and did a wonderful job.


Wor. William "JR" Knight, PM, Senior Warden poses with his son, Brother Anthony
and Brothers Rick and Scottie.


Wor. Knight with son Anthony.  And Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge
adds another Father-Son pair to its membership.
One proud father for sure.


Ah, a good part of the evening...The refreshments and celebration.


A good time and fellowship was had by all.