Brothers Nicholas Baker and Augustus Phiny Phiasivongsa were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on June 30, 2015. All the Officers presented great degrees. Brothers Baker and Phiasivongsa were obligated by Worshipful Dennis Stahr, PM, who also gave the lecture, Worshipful David Haslim, PM, delivered a perfect charge. Brother Ben Bridges, Senior Deacon, did a fine job delivering his first Middle-Chamber lecture.
Wor. Stahr with
Hackett's two new Fellowcraft Masons.
Brothers Phiny and Nick pose with Worshipful Robert Salini, Master.
Wor. Jim Achenbach, PM, Tiler, congratulates his friend and work associate as a Fellowcraft Mason.
Wor. Jim then takes the
opportunity to pose with both brothers.