Brothers Dustin Capps and Nicholas Mullen were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on March 12, 2013.  All the Officers again presented great degrees.  Brother Capps was obligated by Brother Ryan Bacaoco, Senior Warden and Brother Mullen was obligated by Worshipful David Haslim, PM, who again delivered a perfect charge.  Brother John Fitch, Senior Deacon did a great job on the Middle-Chamber lecture.  Brother Bacaoco was in the east for the second section and delivered a great lecture.

Brother Capps with Brother Ryan Bacaoco, SW, who obligated him a Fellow Craft Mason with a great degree.


Brother Mullen with Worshipful Haslim, PM who obligated him a Fellow Craft Mason, also with a great degree.

Two proud new Fellow Crafts as they move toward Master Mason.

Brother Herb Green congratulates his Grand-son-in-law, Brother Dustin Capps.

Worshipful Master, William "JR" Knight welcomes our two newly obligated Fellow Crafts into the great Brotherhood that is Freemasonry and Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge.