It was announced in May that Wor. Clint Black, PM, was to be awarded the Hiram Award, the highest honor that can be presented to a Mason. His willingness to help the Lodge and his Brothers in every way and even serve as Master in both 1999 and 2009 shows his strong commitment to Masonry, his community and his fellow Brothers. This night, September 27, 2011, the celebration took place. When asked what the dress for the evening would be, Wor. Black said he wanted a "Western" night. That just added to the fun and all in attendance seemed to enjoy the evening.
Wor. Clinton Black, PM, Hiram Award
Wor. Steve Laurvick, Master, opening the ceremonies.
Wor. David Haslim, PM, Emcee for the presentation
Presentation of the medallion and pin
Presentation of congratulatory letter from Most
Worshipful Frank Loui,
A proud Hiram Award recipient and his better half
Wor. Dimiter Lyakov, PM, a dear long-time friend of Wor. Clint.
Wor. Dick Covert, PM, another dear long-time friend of Wor. Clint.
Wor. Clint Black, PM speaks and humble, as usual...Great choice for the Hiram.
Wor. Clint's lady being presented flowers for her
continual help
The two, very deserving, honorees
Worshipfuls, Past Masters, and Hiram Award honorees,
all.. (standing) David Haslim, Kent Dau,
Then... there were the "characters" and the great group of friends..
Wor. Cowboy Laurvick, Master of the Lodge with Wor. Clint, PM
Wor. Jim Achenbach, PM, striking the pose of a man
running for office...