Wor. Dennis P. Stahr, PM, was selected to be honored as the recipient of the Hiram Award for 2013. Recognizing his dedication to Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge and the craft, the Hiram Award committee felt that Brother Stahr was deserving of this prestigious honor. To be chosen the Hiram Award recipient is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a Mason, aside from being elected to, and serving as, the Master of his Lodge. Brother Stahr was always willing, over the years, to help the Lodge and his Brothers in any way he could. Since 2008, He has continually worked to update and maintain the S.W. Hackett Lodge website which has attracted visitors to the website from over 40 countries and almost every State. The website has been instrumental in the Lodge visits of several foreign Brothers and the addition of several new S.W. Hackett Brothers. He worked, with the gracious assistance of the Brethren, to improve his lodge as Master in 2012, through new programs and innovations. Additionally, he has a love of the ritual and its meaning that he instills in the officers as Assistant Officer's Coach. All of these things made him a proper selection for this honor. So, on this night, April 13th, 2013, the celebration took place.
Wor. Dennis P. Stahr, PM, Hiram Award recipient for 2013.
Wor. David Haslim, PM, emcee begins the award ceremony.
Wor. Clint Black, PM,
who was the Chaplain for the evening also offered some very kind and
appreciated remarks and, recounting events, gave Wor. Dennis a total of five-stars for his year in the East.
Following Wor. Clint, Brother Ryan Bacaoco, Senior Warden, also thanked Wor. Dennis with very kind remarks, and then read a nice letter from Brother Jim Williams who is at sea with the Navy. Additionally, Brother Bacaoco served as the photographer for the evening... Thank you my Brother.
Wor. Dimiter Lyakov, PM, Secretary, also said some very nice comments and poked a bit of fun at Wor. Stahr. A good Masonic Brother and a good firend. Following him, Wor. Bob Smith, PM, Officer's Coach also gave some well appreciated comments.
Brother Mario Urbino, a long-time friend of Wor. Stahr's also spoke. Pictured also are his lovely wife and his beautiful daughter.
Wor. William "JR" Knight, PM,
Master, presents Wor. Stahr, PM, with the Hiram Award
certificate. Not shown is the congratulatory letter from the
Grand Master, the Most Worshipful John Lowe.
With the Master looking on, Wor. Stahr's wife presents the medalion. She then adds the Hiram Award lapel pin. Wor. Stahr expresses his sincere thanks to all who attended and to the Hiram Award committee. Take it from me, he is truly honored to have been selected to receive this prestigious award and will continue to serve Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge for as long as he is able.
The presentation of a bouquet of yellow (favorite color) roses to Wor. Stahr's very supportive and wonderful wife.
Wor. Stahr with his wife, love, business partner and best friend.
Joining us in honoring
Wor. Stahr are some of the past Hiram Award recipients.
Worshipful Stahr also wishes to thank his new Brothers from SW Hackett Lodge who honored him with their presence, as well as the Brothers from other lodges that attended. Some of those attending but not pictured were Brother Angel Salazar, Senior Warden of Heartland Lodge in El Cajon with his wife, Worshipful Al Almazan, PM, and Worshipful Lee Plastic, PM, Master, both from East San Diego Lodge.
- Thank you all -