----- EA & FC Night -----
S.W. Hackett Lodge #574
Phone: 619-295-4420
On February 23rd, 2010, S.W. Hackett Lodge #574 will hold what is being called “EA & FC Night: Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft Night is the night to celebrate our Masonic Brothers who have taken the first or second step in Masonry but have not, for any number of reasons, had the opportunity to move up. The Lodge will be opened on the First degree of Masonry so that all can attend. We will then call to refreshment so that informal presentations and discussion can take place. At the close of the evening, we will return to labor and close the lodge. This night will include the introduction of Worshipful Master Dau’s "Traveling EA" program that will facilitate the need for Master Masons to attend so that they may assist with their participation in this innovative program. There will be a dynamic guest lecturer with an exciting, informative and educational presentation on the “Mysteries of Freemasonry”, which will be acceptable for all Masons. We will be discussing the many reasons to progress in the degrees and will hold an informal question and answer session. We believe that this will be a fun and informative evening, and hopefully inspire our "young" Masons to continue their journey in this great Fraternity. All the Brethren are invited and encouraged to attend. We cordially invite, and strongly encourage, all Masons from all Lodges to attend. Further, we would truly appreciate it if this invitation could be extended to your Brethren in your up-coming Stated Meetings and in any other events where appropriate. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you. For further information, questions or suggestions for program inclusions, please contact Dennis Stahr.
Sincerely & Fraternally, Dennis Stahr, JW S.W. Hackett Lodge,