Mr. Sean Greenberg is, as of January 15th, 2013, Brother Sean Greenberg as he is obligated an Entered Apprentice Mason in Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge. Brother Greenberg was obligated an Entered Apprentice Mason by Wor. "JR" Knight, Master. Brother Bob Salini, Junior Warden, delivered a great lecture and Brother John Fitch, Senior Deacon, did a perfect delivery of the charge. Our new Entered
Apprentice, Brother Greenberg with Wor. "JR" Knight, PM, Master, who obligated our new Brother with a great degree.
Brother Greenberg poses with Bro. Bob Salini, Junior Warden and Wor. "JR" Knight, Master.
Wor. "JR" and Brother Greenberg are joined by Brother Christian Rowden, Junior Steward, who is a long-time friend of Brother Sean.
Another friend joins in the congratulations, Brother Rick Derflinger, Senior Steward.
Hail...Hail...The gang's all here....Ready for fun and celebration! A great degree and now, on to the refreshments.....
Brother Anthony Knight contemplating his pizza as he sits with the Master. Brother Sean listening to words of wisdom as he sits with Wor. Jim Achenbach, PM, Treasurer
Wor. David Haslim, PM, who was in the West for the degree offers ideas.
And the wisdom continues...
Bro. Chuck Caskey, Junior Deacon always looks interested...If he is or not, I guess we'll never know. Brother Caskey is a first-year officer and doing a spectacular job.
More of the group and more of the stories
Wor. Dimiter Lyakov, PM, Secretary, looks in deep thought as Brother Rick shows that he approved of the degree...Or the Pizza, I'm not sure.
That said, another fine degree and fun with great Brothers!