Today, May
2nd, 2015, S.W. Hackett Lodge, again this year, honored its ladies that
are the widows of Masons that have been called from labor.
The luncheon event took place at Marie Calender's restaurant in La
Mesa. The turn out was nice, but it would have been fun if more
could have been there. Those of us that were, really did enjoy the lunch and the great gathering.

The Master, Wor. Robert
Salini, looks on as Maebelle Haslim, one of the Honored Ladies spoke to
the group.
Maebelle assisted Marti Haslim in setting up the event as she has for
the past many years. Additionally, it
was Maebelle's birthday, this very day!

The attending group. All had fun and enjoyed their great lunch.

The Honored Ladies, Margaret Mayer on the left and Maebelle Haslim on the right with son David Haslim, PM, looking on.

Marti Haslim found this wonderful poem which was given to all.
The poems to the Honored Ladies had a penny attached at the top.
So the gifts given to the ladies came in handy as........
The Ladies are showing off their gifts of a "piggy bank" which was for them to save their "Pennies from Heaven".
Those of you who didn't make it this year should really try to get there next year. It was fun and an honor for sure