On April 9th, 2013, Brother James Livingston was proudly raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason.  Brother Livingston was obligated by Worshipful William "JR" Knight, PM, Master.  Worshipful David Haslim, PM, was in the East for the second section with Brother Ryan Bacaoco in the West.  Worshipful Dennis Stahr, PM, delivered the lecture and Worshipful James Achenbach, PM, delievered a perfect and beautiful charge.

Brother Livingston receives the congratulations of Worshipful "JR" Knight, PM, Master.


Brother Livingston is congratulated by Worshipful Haslim, PM, who did his usual wonderful job in the East for the second section.

Brother Livingston with his friend, Worshipful Robert "Andy" Ashcraft, PM, who was the Junior Warden in the second section and assisted in the raising of Brother Jim.