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Masonic Images In 33 Chile Miners Rescue
rescue of the 33 unfortunate Chilean miners has definitely turn into an
media event. All aspects of the rescue
have been carefully staged to make the entire thing a spectacular
inspiring emotions, admiration and national pride. For those
knowledgeable of
Masonic symbolism, it is hard not to ponder on the numerological
and symbolic
facts of the event. Here are some of them: 33
- The number of Miners The
number 33 is of great importance in
Freemasonry. It can be found in many instances in Masonic lore. “For
example, consider the number 33. The
first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years in its pristine
At the end of that time it was pillaged by the Egyptian King Shishak,
finally (588 B.C.) it was completely destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and
the people
of Jerusalem were led into captivity to Babylon. (See General History
Freemasonry, by Robert Macoy.) Also King David ruled for thirty-three
years in
Jerusalem; the Masonic Order is divided into thirty-three symbolic
there are thirty-three segments in the human spinal column; and Jesus
crucified in the thirty-third year of His life.” -
Manly P. Hall,
Secret Teachings of All Ages
date of the start of the rescue is also significant:
10/13/10 which can be calculated this
way: 10 + 13 + 10 which equals…33. The
Number of Days it Took to Drill the
Hole “The
work took 33 days total, one day a man,” said
Mikhail Proestakis, manager of Driller Supply Company, which
participated in
the drilling of the rescue shaft with a diameter of 66 centimetres,
which is 33
times two. The
First Note Sent by the Miners “Others
call attention to the first note the miners
sent up to show they were still alive – “estamos bien en el refugio los
(all 33 of us are in the shelter) – which was 33 characters in length.”