On May 28, 2013, our Fellow Craft, Brother Nicholas "Nick" Mullen became Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge's newest Master Mason. Brother Nick was obligated a Master Mason by Worshipful David Haslim, PM, who was also in the East for the second section with Worshipful Jim Achenbach, PM, in the West. Worshipful Dennis Stahr, PM, delivered a fine lecture and Wor. Achenbach, PM, Treasurer, did a great delivery of the charge.
Our new Master Mason, Nick Mullen is congratulated by Worshipful David Haslim, PM who
obligated Brother Nick.
Brother Nick receives congratulations from Worshipful William "JR" Knight, PM, Master.
Also posing with Brother Nick and Worshipful JR is Worshipful George Taylor, a Brother and very good friend of SW Hackett Lodge. Worshipful George is the sitting Master of Heartland Lodge No. 576 in El Cajon, CA. Also not shown is Rudy Zapanta, Junior Warden of Heartland Lodge. Thank you Worshipful George and Brother Rudy for honoring us with your prescence. We hope to visit you Brothers soon.
Worshipful JR presents Brother Mullen's trowel.
Now, on to the refreshments and words of welcome and wisdom....
As the Brothers offer congratulations, it appears that Worshipful JR is plotting his next move as Worshipful Dimiter Lyakov, PM, readies the study material for Brother Nick.
Worshipful Dick Covert, PM, tells Brother Nick that his journey has now just begun.
Brother Bob Salini, Junior Warden, also encourages Brother Nick to continue in his Lodge.
George Taylor looks on as Worshipful David Haslim, PM, District
Inspector, tries to look tough... It won't work Worshipful, it just
won't work....
Jim Achenbach, PM, Treasurer give an "arms-length" thumbs up. As
he sits with Worshipful Clint Black, PM, Head Candidate's Coach.
Brother Mario Urbino, who was the Senior Steward for the evening looks on and offered his own words of wisdom to our new Master Mason.
And here is a Brother that, because of his work and commitments, we don't see enough of. Worshipful Steve Laurvick, PM. He can't always make it, but when help is needed, he is always there, for sure. Thanks again Worshipful, see you soon.
Thanks to all who made this another Hackett memorable evening.