Brother Anthony
Knight was obligated by Worshipful Michael Allen, PM, and raised to Master
Mason by Worshipful JR Knight, PM, Anthony's proud father. The lecture
was given by
Worshipful John Gamache, PM and the charge was presented by Worshipful Gerald
Winstanley, PM.

Worshipful Michael, PM on the
Left with Brother Anthony and Worshipful JR Knight, PM on the right.

Worshipful JR Knight, PM
and our new Master Mason, his son Anthony. Only a handful of
times in our history has a father raised his son to the degree of
Master Mason.

As the second shortest Master of our lodge ever, Wor. Dennis Stahr is dwarfed by Brother Anthony.
And the third shortest Master ever, Worshipful Jim Achenbach, PM also fearlessly poses with Brother Anthony.
Worshipful Gerald Winstanley, PM, who
delivered the charge congratulates Brother Anthony on his successful
journey from West to East.

Another of many friends to be a part of this great event, Brother Dave Casper joins Brother Anthony and Worshipful JR, PM.

More friends as Brother Anthony is joined by Brothers Matthew Douvres and Eric Straub.

Worshipful JR, presents his son with a set of cuff links that he had as he awaited this great day.

Also presented was this beautiful and unique pocket watch that will certainly be prized for a long time.

Some of the group that attended, however many had to leave as it was
getting late and are not in the picture. There were at least
another ten Brothers that are not pictured here...Sorry for that.