Brother Perry was obligated, on this Past Master's Night, by Brother Black, PM.  The lecture was again beautifully presented by Wor. Brother John Gamache, PM, and Worshipful Brother Achenbach, PM, delivered the charge.

Wor. Clint Black, PM, was in the East for the first section and obligated our new Master Mason.  Here he congratulates Brother Perry.


Wor. Steve Laurvick, Master with Bro. Tex


Wor. Allen, PM, who was in the East for the second section and did a beautiful job, congratulates Bro. Perry


Wor. Allen, PM, and Wor. Achenbach, PM with a very proud Master Mason


Wor. Quimpo, PM and Bro. Donald Heath present Tex with a Masonic Passport and a Scottish Rite book.


All the Brothers line up to sign Bro. Perry's obligation Bible.