On Saturday October 19, 2013 at 16:30, two of
San Diego's local veterans were awarded the Sam Jones Memorial Award
for their service in a ceremony to honor all who serve. Ms.
Margaret Jones returned from the Pittsburgh area to be "home" for this
event. In addition to that, other things made this a great event
including the Marine Honor Guard presenting the Flag of our Country and
the Shriners Legion of Honor in attendance. Worshipful Dick
Covert, PM gave the invocation and benediction and all present appeared
to enjoy the afternoon.

The Marines present the colors and the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Shriners Legion of Honor salute for the Pledge.

Worshipful Stahr, His wife, Margaret Jones and George Barber, one of the "Chosin Few".

Honoree Sgt Shane Cole and his daughter Isabelle.

Sgt Shane Cole accepting the Sam Jones Memorial Award.

Masonic Brother and Navy Chief Nick Mullen accepts the award for Cpl Steven Barraclough
who, because of a family emergency could not attend.

Worshipful George Barber, PM and one of the "Chosin Few" speaks about Korea.

Margaret Jones is presented the "honored Lady Pin" that is presented to the widows
of Masons that have been "called from labor".

Long time friend of Margaret and Sam Jones, Mike spoke a few wonderful words.

The proud Maine Honor Guard that help us with the event.
Thank you so much and Semper Fi.

The Shriners Legion of Honor (with one missing)... Thank you so much Brothers!
Below are some pictures of the people who made this such a success...I thank you all!!

Here below are some special
pictures of both Worshipful George Barber, PM, and Worshipful
Christopher Gunn, Sergeant Major, USMC (Ret), who helped make the
evening a success.