-- Each year, SW Hackett honors a "Teacher of the
Year" --
Ms. Carrie Christianson, Sequoia School and SW Hackett Lodge's
Teacher of the Year.
Presented June 5, 2012

Ms. Christianson is a very dedicated teacher at Sequoia
She has devoted so much to the betterment of education and
her love of her students and her career were so evident
in her acceptance speech. Carrie is retiring as of the end of
this school year, but I think we all know, that even in her retirement,
she will continue in her passion with education for many years to come.
Mr. Ryan Kissel, Principal of Sequoia Elementary
made a nice introduction speech and thanked
Ms. Christianson for her years of great service and
SW Hackett Lodge for their participation and presentation.

As shown by her notes, Carrie had a "brief" acceptance
All in fun, it was a beautiful presentation and we were all impressed by her
love of her work and her sincerity.

Master Dennis Stahr thanked Ms. Christianson for
her service and
Worshipful Achenbach, PM for his tireless work for the SW Hackett Lodge's
Partnership in Education program. As Carrie is an asset to Sequoia,
so is Wor. Jim to SW Hackett Lodge.

Worshipful Achenbach reading the award to the members
in attendance.

Worshipful Master Dennis Stahr presenting Ms.
with the
award of acknowledgement of her great service to Sequoia
Elementary school and the community as a whole.

The award before the signatures of the Master and
Chairman of the Committee.