Brother Aaron Thomas was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on August 8, 2013 in what everyone who attended considered a real great degree.  Brother Thomas was obligated by Worshipful Michael Allen, PM.  Brother Bob Salini, was the Senior Deacon in the second section and delivered a near perfect Middle-Chamber lecture with feeling, and Brother Ryan Bacaoco, SW delivered a nearly perfect charge as well.  Worshipful Dennis Stahr, PM, was in the east for the second section and delivered the lecture.

Brother Thomas is welcomed as our newest Fellow Craft by Brother Bob Salini, JW, who delivered a great Middle-Chamber lecture.


Brother Thomas with Worshipful Stahr, PM, who was in the East for the second section of the degree.

Worshipful Jim Achenbach, PM, Treasurer, and Brother Ryan Bacaoco, SW congratulate Brother Thomas.