1st Degree, England 1819 |

1st Degree Emulation, UGLE |

1st Degree Zetland Lodge |

2nd Degree, England 1819 |

2nd Degree Emulation, UGLE |

2nd Degree Zetland Lodge |

3rd Degree, England 1780 |

3rd Degree Emulation, UGLE |

3rd Degree Zetland Lodge |

Wool 1900 South Bend Indianna
in Walkerton Lodge No 619 |

Geraldton W.Australian Lodge No.3 |

Made of wool and designed by Charles Moore |

Union Lodge Boston Mas.date 1796 |

Engraved by John Cole,1801 |

Fellowcraft, England 1801 |

Lodge of Union No.129 Kendal,1772 |

French lambskin Tb |

From American Culture of FM by J.Hamilton |

Harris Tb, 1820.
Dongara Lodge W.Australia. |

by John R. Penniman .
Boston Mass painted 1821 |

Oddfellows |

Phoenix Temple of Honor,1870 |

The Loyal Orange Order |

The Loyal Orange Order |

By J.Harris submitted
to the Supreme Council
and rejected because the details
were covered in the ritual. |

Austrian Tb |

Dongara Lodge Western Australia |

German floor cloth |

Lodge "zur Einigkeit"
n°388 ,1742 |

Woven carpet, USA |

Ancient Tb, Germany 1770 |

Coll.Biblioteche Nat.Française |

Mark Master Mason, England |

Mark Master Mason, EC |

Royal Ark Mariner |

Holy Royal Arch, England |

1st Degree Emulation |

2nd Degree Emulation |

3rd Degree Emulation |

Travelling Lodge Tb
Army Regiment
G.L. of Ireland |