Greetings Brethren and Friends:
June should be a busy month for our lodge. We are celebrating the passing of a Fellowcraft, educating our Entered Apprentices and enjoying fellowship.
Dad and I just got back from an Alaska cruise. We visited Glacier Bay, Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan and Victoria, BC. In Sitka and Ketchikan we were able to find the local Masonic lodge buildings near the center of their respective towns. We also ran into many fellow traveling Brothers on the ship, reminding us that Masonry is everywhere, you only have to look. Remember, every Tuesday is Lodge Night.
Kyle B. Dau, PM,
Calling all Master Masons! We need your help! Section §804.860 of the California Masonic Code states: An Entered Apprentice may sit in the Lodge in which he has received the degree or degrees when open in a degree taken by him, while he conducts himself with due order and propriety. He may advance after satisfactorily passing a strict examination in a tiled Lodge. He may visit another Lodge working in a degree taken by him, with the consent of the Master of his Lodge and the consent of the Master of the Lodge visited, if accompanied by a Master Mason who has sat with him in a tiled Lodge and vouches for him.
For our “Travelling EA Program to work, we needed Master Masons to accompany our EAs and FCs to other Lodges and Masonic activities. For more information on how you can help, please contact the Master or any Officer of the Lodge.
Brethren and Ladies;
Next year I would like to invite lodge members and particularly Past Masters to pass on some of their wisdom during Stated Meetings. I would like Masonic Education to include some basic commentary on topics such as how Freemasonry is explained to the uninitiated, how interrogations of prospective brothers are conducted, and what Freemasonry means to the individual Mason, his family and community. Please let me know if you are interested in making a 5 – 10 minute presentation and I can pencil you into the calendar.
Interest in a lodge houseboat trip on Lake Shasta seems to be mixed, but I’ve only had feedback from a handful so far. Lake Shasta is in Northern California and distance and cost are primary considerations. We’d want to do the trip in the spring or fall due to weather considerations so school becomes an issue as well. The cost of a houseboat for four or five days is about $900 and sleeps 4 – 6. There is a Shrine Camp on the lake and I’ve been getting my information from a couple of guys who participate in their annual hunting and fishing trip in late April. We have an open invite to that event as well.
Visitations so far this year have included trips to Gustavus Prince Hall Lodge, our neighbors at Black Mountain Lodge and moist recently a visit to Southwest Lodge in National City. We have been warmly received by all. The Bethel that meets in Southwest Lodge is having an installation in mid-June.
Steve Laurvick, SW
Brethren and Ladies;
On Tuesday June 29th at 7:00 PM, S. W. Hackett Lodge will again host an Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Night. As before, this night is to celebrate, encourage and inspire our Masonic Brothers who have taken the first or second step in Masonry.
As in February, the Lodge will be opened on the First Degree of Masonry so that all can attend. We will then call to refreshment so that informal presentations and discussion can take place. At the close of the evening we will return to labor and close the Lodge.
This night will include a progress report on Worshipful Dau’s “Traveling EA” Program. We still need Master Masons to attend so that they may assist with their participation in this innovative program. We will again be honored to have Bro. David Watson presenting another interesting lecture, and, as the previous lecture, this one will expand on the role of Masonry in our history and its links to many cultures. Learn more of the “Mysteries of Freemasonry”. Also as the previous lecture, this one too will be acceptable for Entered Apprentices, as Bro. Watson will leave out the deeper mysteries that are learned by and are appropriate for Fellowcraft and Master Masons. As before, we will hold an informal question and answer session.
We were pleased with the first EA and FC Night results and believe that this too will be a fun and informative evening, and hopefully continue to inspire our “young” Masons to continue their journey in this great Fraternity.
We again cordially invite and strongly encourage all Masons from all lodges to attend. We look forward to seeing you there. For further information, questions or suggestions for program inclusions, please contact me at 858-538-6345 or email to:
Please mark this date on your calendars and try to attend.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Dennis Stahr, JW
For those Brethren working on their EA, FC or MM proficiencies, be aware that the Lodge library is open and manned on Tuesday and Thursday nights. All are welcome, but especially those working on their proficiency and in need of or wanting a little extra help.
Thank you to Judy for the great table decorations at the May Stated Meeting Dinner. Hope everyone had a beautiful Mother’s Day. I trust all had the chance to stop and reflect upon the sacrifices made by countless men and women of our Armed Services over the last 200 plus years of our great country. Most important, when you see a sailor or soldier, thank him/her for the freedoms we have because of their dedication to this great country!
S. W. Hackett Lodge annual camping weekend at Shrine Camp in the Laguna Mountains will be July 9th and 10th. Contact Clint Black, PM for details if desired.
The ladies of S. W. Hackett Lodge #574 are producing a cookbook of fun, quick and easy meals and time saving tips; and hope that you will share your favorites that fit today’s “on-the-go” lifestyle. To avoid any of those nasty copyright problems, be sure these are your own creations. Although participation has been less than hoped, we are still trying and need your help.
Please bring your contributions for the cookbook with you when you attend the Stated Meeting dinners. If your schedule does not permit your attendance at dinner, please email to me at, or fax to 858-484-3484 (no cover page needed). Please make sure they are legible, and include your name and how we may reach you if we have questions.
We look forward to your help making this project a success, so we can all prepare those quick and easy meals, and help our favorite Masons get to Lodge on time.
Thank you,
Modern vaccinations and the eradication of small pox was the work of Bro. Edward Jenner, Master of Royal Faith and Friendship Lodge 270 in Berkley, England in 1811. In 1789, Dr. Jenner observed that milk maids did not get the disease and his study into why this was so led to the conclusion that the girls caught cow pox and so were immune to the more deadly small pox virus. He announced his findings in 1789 and vaccination programs began soon after.
Bro. Charles H. Mayo was one of the founders of the Rochester, Minnesota clinic that bears his name. This world famous clinic started in the Rochester Masonic Temple, and to this day the Grand Lodge of Minnesota has a representative at the clinic to assist Brother Masons who go there for treatment.
Two very young cousins attended their first wedding. The youngest asked the other how many women can a man marry? The not much older replied “16 of course” and went on to explain, “You heard the reverend say ‘4 better, 4 worse, 4 richer, 4 poorer’”.
Your items of Masonic education and general interest are always welcome and earnestly requested. Just be sure to have them to me no later than June 18 for our July TB. You may contact me by mail at 10674 Meadow Glen Way E., Escondido, CA 92026-6299; Telephone 760-751-3469; or email
During our May Stated meeting I announced that I would no longer be doing the monthly Trestleboard and that I was looking for a replacement. One Brother has already stepped forward to volunteer his time and effort. If any one else is interested notify our Master so you may be considered.
Fraternally, Dick Covert, PM Editor
Fruit Salad
Meat Loaf
Chicken ala King
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Broccoli
Assorted Rolls
Assorted Hot & Cold Beverages
Iced Brownies
Your Lodge pays for dinners we reserve and do not use due to lack of information regarding your planned attendance at Stated Meeting Dinners. PLEASE, if you are on the dinner reservation list and cannot attend dinner, let me know at least the Friday prior to Stated Meeting so I can adjust the quantity of meals we need. Likewise, if you are not on the reserved list, call and let me know you are coming so we have enough meals ordered. Check with our Bro. Treasurer Jim Achenbach, PM to learn if you are on the reserve list.
Fraternally, John S.
Gamache, PM, Secretary
7 Christopher Adams
David Haslim, PM
9 James Campbell, PM
11 Harold Simkin
12 Morgan Thompson
15 Joe Medeiros
Stephen Hannum
Dennis Stahr
18 Michael Allen, PM
24 Wallace Mauck
Jack Miller
George Sorenson
28 Harold Robison
Dennis Campbell
Ray Rapp, PM
65 Years
Harold C. Simkin MM June 7, 1945
51 Years
James A. Stanfield MM June 23, 1959
46 years
William R. Smith, PM MM June 19, 1964
41 Years
Grant H. Kramer MM June 10, 1969