Fraternal Greetings Brethren and Friends:
As we enter the second half of the year I want to thank everyone who has participated in the lodge activities. A lodge is a group of Brothers and Fellows that gathers for fellowship and to acquire knowledge. The important part of this is the gathering together. In the coming months we have many exciting social events planned such as: Dinners, award banquets, campout, picnics and luncheons.
We will continue to support our community partners with spelling bees and Christmas distribution programs. We will also have more education nights, degree conferrals and Stated Meetings. Please come out and support YOUR lodge in its activities. If you have anything special that you would like the lodge to do, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Remember, Tuesday is Lodge Night.
Kyle B. Dau, PM,
Calling all Master Masons! We need your help! Section §804.860 of the California Masonic Code states: An Entered Apprentice may sit in the Lodge in which he has received the degree or degrees when open in a degree taken by him, while he conducts himself with due order and propriety. He may advance after satisfactorily passing a strict examination in a tiled Lodge. He may visit another Lodge working in a degree taken by him, with the consent of the Master of his Lodge and the consent of the Master of the Lodge visited, if accompanied by a Master Mason who has sat with him in a tiled Lodge and vouches for him.
For our “Travelling EA Program to work, we needed Master Masons to accompany our EAs and FCs to other Lodges and Masonic activities. For more information on how you can help, please contact the Master or any Officer of the Lodge.
Greeting from the West;
Please pull out your calendars and jot down some upcoming events. As we will be dark in August, I’m running down some August and September events which are subject to change.
A full slate of events scheduled in July begins with Independence Day on July 4th, followed by our Stated meeting on the 6th. The next weekend, July 9th through the 11th, is our lodge campout at Shrine Camp in Mt. Laguna. I believe there will be a potluck. The Blacks are running point on this, call Clint or Judy with questions at 858-538-3051. Our annual Ladies Luncheon will be Sunday, July 18 at the Brigantine in La Mesa at 12:30pm (same location as last year). On Saturday, the 24th, our Grand Lecturer, the Right Worshipful Paul Hennig, will be in San Diego to conduct a Master Mason School of Instruction at the Scottish Rite Center (Master Masons only). Light refreshments will be served starting at 8:00am, with the School starting at 9:00am. Lunch will be available for a nominal fee. Finally, our bimonthly District Officers School of Instruction will be Monday, July 26th, 6:30pm at SRC.
August will see our Stated business Meeting (NO DINNER), Tuesday August 3rd and Hawaiian shirts will replace formal and business attire. Saturday, August 7 is the date of the all Masonic Picnic at Admiral Baker Field (east of Hwy 15, just north of Friars Rd.). Picnic starts at 11:00am and all Masonic Lodges and concordant bodies are treated to a BBQ provided by Scottish Rite. Beverages courtesy of Al Bahr Shrine. A general good time, horseshoes and a silent auction will provide fun and entertainment for all.
Looking forward to September (as there will be no August Trestleboard), please take note of the following events:
9/07 Stated Meeting and Dinner 6:30pm
9/10 Reception for Most Worshipful Kenneth G. Nagel, Grand Master, 6:00pm,
advanced purchase required. Contact Dave Haslim, PM at 858-695-8407
9/19 Hackett Lodge picnic at the Gamache residence (Pool party and BBQ,
bring your swim suit and favorite beverage).
Have an excellent summer everyone!
Steve Laurvick, SW
Brethren and Ladies;
Some rather interesting statistics and conclusions were presented at the Junior Warden’s Retreat in April that I think are worth reviewing by all Masons.
Generation Age %Growth %Initiated %Advanced
84+ -12 0 0
Silent 63-83 -5 6 60
Boomer 46-62 2 20 57
Gen X 30-45 28 46 64
Millenial 18-29 96 28 68
Since Millennials are the leading area of growth for Masonry, what are they looking for and what will keep them interested in coming back to lodge and getting more involved? The study done by American Meeting Association showed that the Millennials are here to learn. They want fewer and more powerful sessions. They want the ability to express their opinions without fear of rejection. The same study showed that this is true for most of the generations included in the study.
It was stated in our sessions that much of our recent growth can be attributed to Dan Brown and his books, The Lost Symbol, The Da Vinci Code, etc. His books, especially The Lost Symbol, has stirred the curiosity of the GenX’ers and the Millennials. They are searching for more and deeper knowledge and believe that our venerable institution can enlighten them and give them direction. The conclusion in our sessions was obvious, if we wish to continue and thrive as the greatest fraternity, we have to offer, to these “new” generations of Masons, the things they are searching for. Our ritual lodge work is, in itself, inspirational and meaningful. Much can be learned from the openings, the obligations and the lectures, but what is also important is the deeper meaning and mysteries behind even that ritual and those lectures. Many Brothers never explore, question or even understand that those mysteries exist, and have found that Masonry is Stated Meetings and charity. I believe that by educating the Brothers on these and even more of the ancient mysteries, they will thirst for more and will increase their involvement in the fraternity.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Dennis Stahr, JW
For those Brethren working on their EA, FC or MM proficiencies, be aware that the Lodge library is open and manned on Tuesday and Thursday nights. All are welcome, but especially those working on their proficiency and in need of or wanting a little extra help.
June started with S. W. Hackett Lodge honoring Sequoia Elementary School’s Employee of the Year. Congratulations to Mr. Dwayne Crockett, Sequoia’s Outstanding Employee, who was accompanied by the school Principal Mr. Kissel.
Our annual outing to Shrine Camp is coming soon: July 9, 10 and 11. Remember to sign up to bring something for dinner on Saturday. I will have the list at our July Stated Meeting dinner. If you’re not going to be able to attend the Stated dinner, but still plan on going camping and want to sign up, give me a call 858-695-8407. Once again our Inspector Dave Haslim, PM will be coking breakfast for us on Sunday. Clint Black, PM will do the honor of the treasure hunt for the kids. We will have the big lodge room for Saturday only this year.
Most important, when you see a member of our Armed Services, thank him/her for the freedoms we have because of their dedication to this great country!
S. W. Hackett Lodge annual camping weekend at Shrine Camp in the Laguna Mountains will be July 9th and 10th. Contact Clint Black, PM for details if desired.
The ladies of S. W. Hackett Lodge #574 are producing a cookbook of fun, quick and easy meals and time saving tips; and hope that you will share your favorites that fit today’s “on-the-go” lifestyle. To avoid any of those nasty copyright problems, be sure these are your own creations. Although participation has been less than hoped, we are still trying and need your help.
Please bring your contributions for the cookbook with you when you attend the Stated Meeting dinners. If your schedule does not permit your attendance at dinner, please email to me at, or fax to 858-484-3484 (no cover page needed). Please make sure they are legible, and include your name and how we may reach you if we have questions.
We look forward to your help making this project a success, so we can all prepare those quick and easy meals, and help our favorite Masons get to Lodge on time.
Thank you,
“Where liberty dwells, there is my Country” Benjamin Franklin
“My God!.. How little do my countrymen know what precious blessing they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy in” Thomas Jefferson
“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning” Benjamin Franklin.
Submitted by Clint Black, PM
This is the last issue of your Trestleboard that I will be involved in. It has been a lot of fun and a constant source of gratification for me, but, time marches on, and it is time to bring in some fresh blood (not to mention the fact that Bobbie and I want to devote a little more time to travel, etc.).
I want to sincerely thank all Brethren and Officers over the years for their support, and especially mention Kent Dau, PM for his diligence and care getting the TB printed, folded and mailed every month.
Bro. J. R. Knight, PM, will assume responsibility as your Editor, he may be reached at 951-805-7318.
Fraternally, Dick Covert, PM Editor
I, like all of the families of SW Hackett Lodge, certainly wish to thank Wor. Dick Covert, PM for his dedication and service to his lodge as Editor of the Trestleboard for these past many years. Dick, your work has been excellent and so very appreciated. Enjoy your "freedom", you have really earned it! As Dick has always said: "Your items of Masonic education and general interest are always welcome and earnestly requested. Just be sure to have them to me no later than August 18 for our September Trestleboard." If you need to send your articles by mail, please contact me 951-805-7318; or email: .
Thank you, "JR" Knight.
Carrot Salad
BBQ Ribs and Chicken
Twice Baked Potatoes
Grilled Mixed Vegetables
Assorted Rolls
Assorted Hot & Cold Beverages
Your Lodge pays for dinners we reserve and do not use due to lack of information regarding your planned attendance at Stated Meeting Dinners. PLEASE, if you are on the dinner reservation list and cannot attend dinner, let me know at least the Friday prior to Stated Meeting so I can adjust the quantity of meals we need. Likewise, if you are not on the reserved list, call and let me know you are coming so we have enough meals ordered. Check with our Bro. Treasurer Jim Achenbach, PM to learn if you are on the reserve list.
Fraternally, John S.
Gamache, PM, Secretary
3 Knox Krug
7 George Arnell
11 Jason Raney
12 Dick Covert, PM
13 David McGill, PM
15 John McBride
16 David Hull
19 David Allan
20 Fredrick Nicastro
21 Benjamin Pullido
23 James Achenbach, PM
26 Francis Minton
Mark DeKervor
Sean Maguire
2 David Casper
5 Melvin Taylor
7 Kenneth Hilburn
David Wilson
9 John Czarnecki
Howard McGill, PM
10 Gerald Winstanley, PM
11 Simon Cottriall
24 Kyle Dau, PM
54 Years
Earl Granlow MM July 27, 1956
Buford Lane MM July 27, 1965
Wallace Mauck MM July 25, 1965
42 Years
Burman E. Faucett MM August 13, 1968