Brother Young was obligated by Brother Dennis Stahr, Senior Deacon. 
Worshipful Clinton Black, PM, gave the lecture and Worshipful Brother David Haslim, PM, delivered the charge.



Bro. Young, Wor. Clint Black, PM, Master
Bro. Dennis Stahr, SD



Wor. Bro. Kent Dau, PM, Candidate's Coach, Bro. Paul Stephenson, Bro. Andrew Young, Bro. Robert Salini 


  Wor. Bro. Kent Dau, PM, Candidate's Coach, Bro. Paul Stephenson, Bro. Andrew Young


Back:  Bro. Steve Laurvick, JW, Wor. Bro. John Gamache, PM, Secretary, Wor. Bro. Dick Covert, PM, Treasurer, Wor. Bro. David Haslim, PM, District Inspector

Front:  Wor. Bro. Robert Smith, PM, Officer's Coach, Wor. Bro. James Achenbach, PM, Wor. Bro. William "J.R" Knight, PM., Junior Deacon